The IESD is being built using a bottom-up approach that follows the following path:
(1) ID proteins previously known to be targeted by the immune system in a given AI.
(2) Search for areas of high local homology between each POI and each pathogen. We allow for 1-2 amino acid differences to allow for genetic variation among patients.
(3) Check for B-cell epitopy and other important features.
(4) Generate report.
None of the entries are "proof" that the epitope causes a specific autoimmune disorder. However, given that all of the proteins being studied are already likely to be clinically significant, IESD contains high-priority leads that should be examined further. Our approach loads science with specific, testable causal hypotheses. Patients w/MS can be examined for antibodies that are cross-reactive for validation in specific cases.
As validation studies progress, we will update each report with citations of validation.